Friday, August 14, 2015

The Fantasy Football Journal

So it's that time of year again fantasy football time. It's the dog days of fantasy baseball and the beginning of football. You may have done your draft already but if not give a read (read it anyway) to,get the best experience in your fantasy league this year.

1. The most important day of your leagues year is draft day. It should be the most fun. The best way to make that happen is doing a live draft. If everyone lives close do it live. If not try to get together anyway no matter how far it is. A live draft is just better.

2. Do whatever is best for your league best. Some people might like their standard leagues some keeper or dynasty leagues. Some may like PPR or Two QB. No matter what , do the league that suits
your draftees the best , no matter what.

3. Every league has different strategies so research hard on the league type your doing. If your doing a standard league know your strategy. If your doing PPR know your strategy , if it's 2 quarterbacks know your strategy. Find a strategy that works for you.

4. Don't over draft at any position. If you miss out on an elite Quarterback do not draft a QB you can get two rounds layers. Same can be said for any position especially running back.

By Peter Vitella

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